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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 7, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> this is the latest from the political analyst, michael yaki committee younger voters began turning out yesterday. in support of a second term for president barack obama.
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>> what do think they're going to start working on for the next term? >> the reformer that must be made for the immigration policy and also what about bipartisan john boehner even spoke. >> john boehner were nice but the words were still very much the words of this past summer. when the gop was not going to be looking at certain types of tax increases for the wealthy without some type of corresponding offsets. like home mortgaging which is the third real of american tax politics right now. we will see. the words are good, mitchell, was not quite so good. but i think that it would be to them to see if they could go forward and
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make a deal with the fiscal clip. o'connell also perhaps not quite so good. >>catherine: and perhaps you would have a lot of of the easier pat for this next term? >> if the opponents are smart they could use the hurricane sandy to deal with some how package that with the defic debt ceilin and move this quickly forward and out of the way it could save everybody's face moving forward. we will see if they're that smart. ysidro depending on who you talk to into people are blaming and what people are blaming you. talking about the republicans. again, how much of this would you say is mitt romney or the party not reaching out to minority voters? what is it? >> i think perhaps what we
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should see of what went right. it was a very smart calculated get out the game the strategy. if you saw in those ke nine nine states. all of those swing states with the exception of north carolina was a very dedicated ground game that got it out there. and in some ways, what ever happened in this campaign was probably closer than it could have been. but i think that when we look at where the polls have been and trending the outcome was really making sure that the, the out came ground game. >> he did have one year to prepare the was great. >>pam: grant lotus is following the national map last night. there is still one state that does not have the totals! >> that is correct, p.m. that is the state of florida. and there is no definitive word on when the
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final tally in florida will be official. we are supposedly hurrying hearing that they're going to be working to get the numbers. if you remember it year 2000 with al gore. they still need to get and the numbers. except every other state is painted in. and let us take a look of the balance of power starting with the senate. the democrats controlled the senate before and now they're still projecting to take a two seats however cnn is going to say where there should be 53 were dianne feinstein, she easily had a reelection. and also democratic victories in indiana. joe
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donnelly beat murdoch in massachusetts and warren defeated brown. for that one independent expected to lead democratic during voting time and there are 46 republicans. the democrats reclaim control. and the republicans were take the majority in the house. cnn is projecting the gop to have 234 seats compared to 193 for the democrats. republicans failed with the presidency, failed to take the seventh of the gop it maintains a substantial majority in the house. right here. as that does is saddling we are asking you on facebook now that the election is over what you think are the chances of democrats and republicans working together? feel free to let us know what you
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think on our facebook fan page. >>pam: their reelected senior feinstein is saying that the biggest challenges is divided congress. once again it is into the control of the democrats and the republicans control the house but they need to work together. >> we must do the people's business we have to find ways to use that word which some are disdainful of. and i see an enormously positive sense and that is the word compromise. that is how you get things done in that is a you solve problems. >>pam: of senator feinstein lever for a full term in office. california voters have 11 propositions. among them was proposition 30 the governor's temporary tax measures. the initiative passed by 700,000. dan
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kerman has the governor's reaction. >> the election last night was a clear and resounding victory for children, schools and the california dream. >> governor jerry brown took his victory lap applauding the voters. and of the people have put their trust in a bowl path forward and i intend to do everything in my power to honor that trust. >> if that would have filled the water triggered massive cuts to education with a shortening of the school of k-12. and tuition increases at the university level. >> we are not seeing those big cutbacks in higher education for going forward. we are going to see about $2,500 per student going into over schools in california for the next four-five years. >> the governor says that there is not going to be any
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pinch spending with the temporary tax increases instead, the state will pay its bills and invest inright prt this has passed the voter isn't asking to see if there could be additional taxes signed with a majority in both houses. tax reform may be but as far as any tax increase that again will have to go to a vote of the people. that the state capital, kron 4 news. >> of kron 4 spoke to parents about the passage of proposition 30. >> i am glad the proposition for the past. i support schools and help some of the charter schools. >> some people were against it because it is a slow economic time. >> that is okay but education comes first. >> i voted yes. >> you can see how many people are being dropped off and everything.
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>> let me give you another look of the propositions. voters said no one proposition 31 limiting the physical response of the police and freedom of the legislature and governor. also, people said no on proposition 32. there are no ways to change the way unions and businesses to use money deducted from employees' paychecks political purposes. also the vote was snow on number 33. was-number 33 was no. the decision tells all coinsurers they cannot give the new customers discounts based on how long they were previously in short. " borders also said no on proposition 34 as this unfolds the death penalty. yes on proposition 35 means harsher fines and prison sentences for committing human trafficking crimes.
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and also, proposition 36 got a vote yes. now criminals with two previous violent felony convictions would not necessarily get a life sentence for a third felony the considered non-violent. and also know one of prop. 37 that food companies would not have to provide specific labeling food labels when selling a genetically engineered food. and also in no on proposition 38. with no additional income tax hike for workers. and he has some proposition 39 meeting companies doing business in california will pay income tax based on how much business they do in the state. the extra money goes to energy efficiency and alternative energy projects. yes, proper 40. the new state district boundaries are approved. >>jacqueline: we are looking at a 70 degrees of reading
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recently in antioch. now, temperatures are in the 60s and 50s along the coast. 60s for oakland in 60s in the south-bay. as we go for the overnight hours we're going to continue to see the cooler conditions. and also that will be tracking to the bay iraq with increasing cloud coverage but that is not the system that is going to be bringing the spring for the bay--area. >> that could be lingering for the next couple of days. >>pam: a developing story this nor'easter is slammed the east coast. they are this nor'e[ laughter ]mmed [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den
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because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>this just in to the kron 4 news room police have released a picture of the second suspect arrested in the violent attack on a muni bus followed the giants world series victory. and police have already released images of two other vandals suspected connecticut to that. the most recently arrested suspect, nicholas hudson. hudson has been
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charged with vandalism, damage of a passenger transit vehicle, arson and for violating his probation. meanwhile, police are still searching for this suspect to concede here he can see walking along the muni bus smashing the windows with a skateboard. you can-see. the video from the world series victory and people using barricades and in some cases skateboards. almost anything they can get their hands on and in some cases when it goes to the suspects even lit on fire at one point. gregory granice has already been responsible but pleaded " not guilty " for his actions. >>pam: decision 2012 is in the history books what is ahead for for four years of
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president obama and a divided congress. >> president obama is returning to the white house with a new set of promises. tax hikes immigration reform and creating 8 million manufacturing jobs. one of the big differences as of the president does not have to worry about poll numbers instead of another election he can think about his legacy. that could impact is negotiation with opponents in congress this country may still be split into blue and red states. but a closer look shows why the president might feel more confident about achieving his goals. in the seven states considered too close to call just one date before the election everyone went for obama. and massachusetts, the nation's leading champion of bank regulation is elected to the u.s. senate. >> and amazing campaign and let me be clear i don't build that you built that. >> young people credited
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with elizabeth warren's victory as well as a successful efforts to legalize marijuana in washington state and colorado. >>pam: - >> i think is most upon all i did not support the initiative but you argue with the will of the voters. we are here in a democracy and the sentiment was pretty clear. >>pam: more evidence of an increasing liberally collect toward after dozens of defeasible same-sex marriages approved in the state of maine and maryland. so this is exhilarating it's just like beyond exciting. >>pam: the the nation's first openly gay senator elected in wisconsin. >> i didn't run to make history. i ran to make a difference. >> on the other side, republican appeals to tradition of values fell flat in indiana and misery.
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voters rejected senate candidates for their extreme anti-abortion views. >> if there was a mandate in yesterday's results it is a mandate for us to work together on solutions to the challenges were faced together as a nation. >>jacqueline: we can see the ominous looking skies from the bay bridge toll plaza. today, much cooler into the ring is back in the forecast even the chances of storms. showers on friday morning but the entire pattern is spotty at best. we will see the rain here, there for the next couple of days. better conditions for the weekend carhop the satellite showing that it is mainly of to the north. the spotty cloud pattern off shores and well to the north and this spot a cloud pattern is indicating two different things. instability and the fact we're not going to sue this
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meaning and of rainfall is going to be spotty tomorrow. and possibly for friday morning. let us take a look get futurecast. and in fact we will see this altar of the day. that instability is suggesting thunderstorms. the computer models every difficult time pinpointing that but there could be moderate rainfall you are going to need your umbrella at some point or another. continuing with spotty showers you can see more moderate weather cell approaching. at some point to just exactly where. the high temperatures tomorrow are going to and cool. 50s. 59 degrees in concord in 60 degrees in san jose and the snowfall. a look at futurecast through the sierras. through noon, it is becoming widespread and for the evening and also continuing for friday morning. several inches of
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snowfall with a winter storm warning in effect. take a look at the sierras with 5- 1/6 inches at lake level tomorrow. the chance of snowfall saturday. locally, there rainfall, the wind for the next couple of days in the saturday, improving conditions are expected. >>pam: the look outside at the golden gate bridge it is medium the north bound, southbound moving decent. >> if you defefriend or family from her you might want to say goodbye the most anticipated video game of 2012 is now on the market. it is all the fuss coming up (cheers & applause) gabe slate tech report
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the amount with the balance of power not a shifting the president obama back on the warehouse we ask you on facebook to you think that anything is one to change? with the gridlock somehow
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sort itself out and democrats and republicans actually work together? and look at it that just 3 percent think that there is an excellent chance. 58 percent think that it is possible. if that they're able to work together. there is no more incentive for them to fight. 23 percent think that it is not likely that they will work together that politicians argue and pickerinand bickering. and some people are saying work together? what are you talking about and only three people were saying that there was an unaware of elections. feel free to go to our facebook fan page we will be right back.
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tracking a another storm. it is hitting the hurricane ravaged east coast. jacqueline will have details for us, next. >> in new york, new jersey residents are taking serious precautions. no electricity and they are stocking up again. they are bracing themselves. >> eat your going to be troubling to the northeast you want to hear or live report from s f o, coming up next at 5:30 sleep train has your ticket to tempur-pedic. experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic,
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and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free delivery? that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is on now. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >>pam: developing new set 5:30 look of this eastern united states bracing for this to nor'easter this is from canadconnecticut. some
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people are still living in damage to homes from the hurricane sandy. first, jacqueline bennett has more of this nor'easter. >> i do not think it would be that bad if we do not have sandy because so many people are run out power. and this is a cold the system. it is taking the wind out of the northeast and we are seeing snowfall associated debt. you can see the below and let me show you closer. you york, and just east of new york we are seeing just--west of new york the snow. the blue is indicating heavier snow and even up and down connecticut towards pennsylvania. as we are speaking. as we take a look at the watches and warnings the white on your screen is indicating winter weather warnings. and the pink. the mixture of rain
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and snow can be just as dangerous with exclusively snowfall. it was so ravaged with the previous snow it is heavy and it is going to drag down more power and a slowdown a recovery. but the good news is that it is the one to be pressing north towards tomorrow. the worst could peak tonight. attempts to be dropping behind it and as this moves to the north tomorrow we are going to be seeing improving conditions for this afternoon it. >>catherine: just weeks after super storm sandy raleigh better than york city area people are getting ready for another storm as john mentioned. it could get bad. the state level ordered the evacuations at the cult care and nursing homes. and police are planning to go through every is already hard hit by hurricane sandy in using loudspeakers warning them to get to shelter. many of those
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places were power not been restored and the wind chill temperatures go into the 20's. it is not just new york across the northeast people cannot believe that they are seeing this again. and these are scenes from connecticut, massachusetts. snowfall, rainfall and a new jersey the governor says that while he is still coping with power problems trying to get people to school the last thing he needed was another scary forecast. >> as we continue to work for the storm amazingly i said something earlier when i was finally got that final forecast last night i said i'm waiting for the locusts next. >> more homes, businesses are losing power. in in some cases they had just gotten off the lights back on after sandy. new-york and you to receive are reporting more outages. >> team coverage continues
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with justine is at sfo. this has the potential for major delays. >> today at s f o there were 31 flights a delayed canceled. tuz flesh fr a with a new work = --2-from newad new york this quickly became a nuisance. >> delays, cancellations. >> we were on our holiday and it was eating into overtime to new-york. >> travelers were left stranded as the second significant storm. american and united it suspended nearly 1400 flights in and out. >> with a 30 flights grounded in the san francisco. >> we were instead of wisconsin which to go get
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my baggage and now they put me into baltimore. i've talked to a lot of people and they're in the same boat. >> people were forced to stay and make the best of it. perhaps by thursday it it could be back to normal. >> frustrating it really, really is. >> i just took a look of the flight for to see how flights are looking for tomorrow. all flights are on time again that is for flights on thursday. however please check with your airlines just to be safe. morning live, kron 4. >>pam: stay with kron 4 as we continue to follow the north storm with more and kron 4 news at 6:00 p.m. 59- 41% san jose voters on tuesday approved a measure and the increasing the minimum wage. rob fladeboe
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reports it as this is necessary for low-income workers to survive in pricey silicon valley. >> the passage of passage and d will have many people like one garcia a short order " at the wages increase from the state mandated of $8 per hour to the amount of $10 per hour. >> with the demand is big formalize finances so it will be making a difference. the measure d passed despite opposition from the chamber of commerce and other business. the interests which argued it would force employers to cut worker hours and discourage new business from coming to town. >> increase bureaucracy the enforcement of uncompetitive with neighboring cities like no beaches, campbell.
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>> measured the was the brainchild of socialist the student like elishia st laret.. who joined with labor groups in promoting what was billed as a way for students and other low-wage earners. >> they will do to not struggle and they will be able to pay their bills on time >> san francisco as to only five cities nationwide to set their own minimum-wage. but back at pena for a one of the struggling students can eat on the cheap, they may soon along the wages he pays. >> i hope they understand. >> in san jose, rob fladeboe, kron 4. >> also, the voters rejected a penny per ounce tax on businesses they argue that it is linked to childhood
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obesity. opponents of the tax measure argue that the drains are like to draw that obesity. -- opponents argue that businesses would lose millions of dollars of sales and in fact this opera companies pumped and more than $2 million to fight the measure. (cheers & applausegabe slate teo 4 is now on the market is violent, who signed figh sigscie fiction based. >> is even now faster than it used to be the graphics are amazing it looks like an improvement of what we've seen in the past. the story is pretty good. one of the criticisms is that sometimes the story got a little bit
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convoluted, strange, out there and it was difficult to follow your however, there are still threats that are difficult to follow but i think they did a good job of producing this easily in world ethic alien world science fiction based based world. >> is only on a microsoft platform. x box is one of their great successes. they are trying to put this into the tablet market but perhaps if this is more of a exclusivity jump the skills for tablets. >> they have using that planned to expand into other in revenues. when microsoft started talking about the windows form of the biggest things about the windows phone was that you could have part of the x
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box experience on this one goes phone possible when those phone windows-phone was possibly posting x box experiences. >>jacqueline: your complete forecast coming up. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>pam: now for today's market update. stock's closing with their worst one day loss of the year as investors looked past the election and focus on big problems ahead in washington and in europe. the dow jones industrial average plunged 313 points. its worst days of one of the worst since 2012. and the s&p 500 dropped more than a 33 points and the nasdaq was down 74 points.
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>> they said do not panic because they sell out after an election is not uncommon is also that we saw in 2008. now, one impact that we did recognize anticipate was the reaction and results of the election. the question of there, and we attribute the sell-off how much to the election. that is up for debate there is talk in europe that the european debt crisis would be an impact in germany. >> there could be a compromise but if we do not have any type of compromise by december 31st, things
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could get very rocky again. >> your home there are fears of the u.s. falling off a physical let. meantime the market could be hampered by expiry spending cuts and automated tax hikes set to take effect unless a given night it market is able to agree on a solution. some experts feel that things if things-did get rocky it could put us into a recession similar to what we saw and 2008. mower of my interview with jim jelter.. of market watch " tonight at 8:00 p.m.. >>jacqueline: 10-15 cooler right now. 62 degrees in pleasanton as the go towards tomorrow were changes. the satellite and radar showing the increase in high clouds moving into the north bay and a spotty
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broken cloud pattern associated look at how why did with a couple of days possible. some spotty showers for the next couple of days and the thunderstorms a general thunderstorm of love as the go towards friday morning. this is going to take a couple of days to push through. let us take a look futurecast. and we will seashelshowers nothing incrediby intense but by 3:00 p.m. continue for the evening. starting to dissipate by 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m.. still however, shower activity near the golden gate and the better chances of thunderstorms. a bit of yellow would indicate a more moderate weather cell. if we do see any they are going to be spotty at best and moderate rainfall and even
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hail. or lightning. high temperatures still cooler than what we saw today. 50s and 60s for the entire bay area and also we're going to see snowfall. let us take a look at futurecast. the snowfall with starting by noon. with snowfall in full gear through the sierras and continue. look at how widespread it will be. a blast of cool air. to be dropping locally and below freezing. through the sierras, and the teen's in the middle of the night. by 2:00 p.m., we will continue with that snowfall and several inches for the next couple of days. 3 in.-5 in. near the lake level and more at the higher elevations. 2 in.-6 in.. the light level on friday with temperatures in the teens on the weekend locally, on the seven day forecast rain and wind and possibly thunderstorm activity. also by friday.
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temperatures cooling in the wake of that going as we go towards this weekend a slow rebound back into the 60s and low 60s with even chilly mornings on a saturday, sunday. things will warm up early next week. it looks like after we get to the next couple of these dry weather for the extended forecast. >> a check on traffic looking at san jose. the guadeloupe overpass headlights are southbound. no major problems. and the san mateo bridge the headlights are east bound. traffic pretty heavy right now east bound, westbound on the san mateo bridge we will be back.
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this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. $1 million to the victims of super storm sandy. she announced on our website that the money will go to new york and the american
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red cross on behalf of herself, her parents and her sister. singer, lady gaga that without new york she would not be the woman or artist she is today. this finger joins a long list of celebrities who have also been the third time and money to their areas impacted our the storm. >> disney announced its deal to purchase lucas films and a source says that not only harrison ford, carry fisher and hammell. are all interested in taking part in a new movie of star wars. we will be back.
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>>pam: ahead at 6:00 p.m. gov. jerry brown starts is a victory lap after voters
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approve his plan to raise taxes and proposition 30. in order to fend off education cuts and hellfire responses times in contra costa county will be affected after voters rejected a parcel tax measure. >> rainfall. when health
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> come together as these first california victory for education and integrity fis cal if they have put their trust and a bold path forward i intend to do everything in my power to honor of that trust. >>pam: gov. jerry brown is telling proposition 33 approved is a temporary tax hike on the health the two staff often major, massive budget cuts to state education programs and more
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tonight at 6, midi educators, parents and students are breathing a sigh of relief now that proposition 36 passed. the early returns were not looking good at last night. but in the and, the measure which would also raise the state's sales tax for the short term. passed by roughly 700,000 votes. >> let us take that victory to go forward and represent the people of california. the proposition 30 temporary tax increases will prevent a massive cuts to education and tuition increases at the university level. >> i am going to try to spend this money wisely that our schools return to the
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greatness of their former days. the university continues not just as the engine of growth but the seat of creativity. >> the governor said that spending wisely will learn from past mistakes. the we have to make sure that the next few years that we pay our bills, we invest in the right programs but we do not do anything significantly reckless. >> that has issued a statement saying that they are disappointed with the outcome of the voters have spoken. there also congratulated the governor. at the state capitol in sacramento, dan kerman, kron 4 news. >> the proposition 30 is being praised by teachers, administrators as a lifeline for freudber-struggling school districts. it has endured
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four consecutive years of cutbacks including the loss of 150 positions, reduced class sizes and ongoing furlough days. the teacher association president sa mention of what could have happened if proposition 31 have happened if it was defeated. >> this is a huge sigh of relief. we still have a furlough days continuing to lender. still, there are a relief feelings that we will continue to have five furlough days and park and at a slightly lower level but if it would have felt it could have been at least 15 more. . all over california teachers are excited to see that we have a governor in place that supports education in the state of california when they want to vote to they also supported
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to quiche and now which is have to wait and see what happens next. >> larger classes were a concern in proposition 30 should offset an offer for 12-dollar shortfall for the current physical year in that district. however sure means concern that proposition 30 is only a temporary fix. she remains concerned they need a long- term solution for the school's budget problems. >> fire stations closing in contra costa county. ballot measure " q " impacting it was defeated yesterday. voters approved a parcel tax
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would have prevented station closures and layoffs. now, fire officials say federal are four fire stations in the county that will close in january. they're not using exactly where but two years ago, the district considered closing stations in concord, martinez, lafayette and pittsburgh. >> because it did not get the two-thirds vote to pass there are four stations that are going to be closing january 1st, 2013. the fire department has not figured out which ones would be close but there are is concerned of the fire district is already understaffed. building industry standards some notion of one firefighter for every 1000 residents. for 600,000 we should of 600 firefighters right now, we only have 255. have any further reductions on station closures will mean longer response times. fires could get bigger for medical emergencies. we will not be
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able to intervene for heart attack or stroke. and other life-threatening emergencies pure >> the fire district is using its resources but is expected to run out by july. making these cuts by january is the central but there could be more slashing of funds in the month of july. >> earlier we mention now proposition 30 past put new money into the state's schools and here are other propositions of california. they said " no one proposition 31. and they also said it no one proposition 32 that there is no change to the unions can use monday to the doctor money for political purposes and also vote on no. 33. that they cannot give new customers discounts based on how long they were previously insured. voters also said no on proposition
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34. this is upholding the death penalty but he " yes " on proposition 35 and which would being harsher fines and prison sentences for committing human trafficking crimes. proposition 36 also gets a yes. now, some criminals with two previous violent felony convictions would not necessarily get a life sentence for a third felony that is considered non- violent. there is also no one proposition 37. that is food companies will not have specific labeling rules when selling a genetically engineered food. no one proposition 38, no additional income-t tax hikes for workers money would have gone to schools. the vote is yes on proposition 39.
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companies doing business in california will pay income taxes based on how much business is the to the state. the extra money goes to energy efficiency and alternative energy projects. yes on 40. that means new state senate district boundaries are approved. >>catherine: it is back to work for the president even florida is still counting votes. >> the went back to washington and he reached out to key congressional leaders from both parties after his victory. talking about the agenda for the rest of the year the hard part is facing serious economic problems. and what might have appeared to be a nail biting evening leading up to this celebration, obama insiders have reportedly been very confident of the last couple of weeks. when the confetti clears, the president knows he is used challenges ahead. at least the opposition was saying nice things. >> we want tutu to exceed let's challenge or sig
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ourselves that had challenged and eluded us. >> as for mitt romney, in a twisted this picture of him in his boston hotel room this morning surrounded by family members, and a gallon of chocolate milk. after a gracious concession speech mitt romney's political future remains uncertain. his running mate, paul ryan returns to his old job in congress. >> with this level of the president did a very, very effective campaign. second i think the country was looking at a different set of things and we were looking at. >> we are going to hear a lot about what it is not the republicans that are celebrating into michael yaki will be here to analyze the results. >>pam: new tonight an attempted kidnapping of a 42 year-old girl in broad daylight in east oakland
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this happened on tuesday as the child was walking to her neighborhood on the international boulevard near 103rd. they tried to grab her from behind around 4:30 >> they tried to draw occurred toward the vehicle they believe that she was going to be put inside of that car. she was able to break free from this stranger. she told her parents what happened and the first suspect we are looking at, the abductor. is male, caucasian, 140-150, white t-shirt, black pants. and he had brown work shoes. the second suspect is also a male caucasian. in his mid- 20s, late 20s with short, brown hair. it is described as short and despite and he has a goatee. >>pam: he has a-goatee with
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sh spiky hair >>pam: they are continuing to work on police sketches for this case. >> in napa sheriff deputies have arrested a man who broke into a home of nancy pelosi. kevin hagen he admitted to six burglaries in the solano county since halloween. the home in st. helena was burglarized last night and on tuesday. she was not home during either incident. and need thei-no iteme taken in either case. >>jacqueline: 60 degrees in oakland. and we are going to continue to see more changes as the rainfall of the approaches. the high
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rainfall with the rain in on that that is moving towards northern california and the spot the cloud pattern of shore. with rainfall and this is indicating it will seek spotty showers and also into friday. it is expansive. it is moving slowly. it will impact us for the next couple of days with the thunderstorms as late as friday afternoon. we will talk all about that and what we can expect as far as temperatures and dry air conditions. >>pam: still recovering from a super storm sandy the east coast is bracing for another major storm in the potential for more flooding. >> grocery store is workers hold a rally in the east bay at raleys
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>>pam: striking workers were back on the decline. this was the fourth consecutive day. charles clifford. wednesday evening, with the united food and commercial workers union rally outside the raley;s nob hill grocery store in alameda. the stores
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for union employees walked off the job on sunday after 15 months worth of contract negotiations with the company broke down. the main sticking point seems to be proposed changes to health care benefits. in a statement they said it is clearly understood that our company must reduce our operating costs so we can become more competitive against non union and competition. >> they want to remain taking away or medical benefits. >> the union says they're not just try to hold on to what they're already have. >> at this point there's no indication when or if negotiations will resonat resum. charles clifford, kron 4. >>pam: continuing our coverage mother nature is
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dealing another blow to the storm battered eastern seaboard. a region still recovering from the impact from super storm sandy, it is being hit by a winter storm residents are bracing for more potential flooding, but costs up to 60 m.p.h. and freezing rain & snow. >> justine:you can see that in just one word is weather. the 31 cancelled flights from s f o to/from the east coast. and to many people are just waiting it out at s f o even sleeping on the floor. trying to get work done and when thousand 400 flights could not go anywhere because of this a snowstorm mature travelers say that this winter travel have already started >> our flight was from wisconsin we had to go get my back. now, they put tree
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towards baltimore. >> frustrating. it really, really is. they want me to fly out tomorrow we would have to go very early. >> the flight is a saying that if the flight schedule could be on time on thursday because of the delays and cancellations today that could impact tomorrow. you should check with your airline before traveling no matter where you go. reporting live, kron 4 news. >>pam: many states are being hit by this latest storm. and it is not necessarily the size of this is that it is on the heels of sandy. in my who would say that what type of impact it would have had without their recent impact of sandy however this is bringing very cold or this is coming from the northeast. that your easter bringing in the cold canadian air. west of new
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york, connecticut, massachusetts look at this the blue on your screen and the purple is representing iran/snowfall mixture. it is so heavy with that rain/snowfall mixture. we are already having power problems because of the reason her keen sandy. many people are without power. because of working-sandy however the worst could be coming tonight with a number of watches and warnings in effect the white, the paint are indicating winter weather warnings. you can see cold conditions. with a number of states with the pink showing snowfall locally, we are going to be dealing with rainfall with the satellite and radar. we are seeing some high clouds
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through northern california this low pressure system that will be impacting us tomorrow and friday this will mean instability and thunderstorms and that is going to occur mostly near the coast and on thursday and friday. the futurecast by 9:00 a.m. still in the clear rich showers are going to start almost immediately. noon, spotty showers along the coast and all sold. the santa cruz and the el diablo range. by 2:00 p.m., still spotty showers moving through. that is how it is going to be. also more spotty showers by thursday evening ready morning offshore the was could state but we will see the possibility of thunderstorms near the coast. thursday and friday. the computer models have a
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difficult time picking those up. we will continue to school with a system pushing in from a gulf of alaska. cold air. highs are only going to be in the 50s and lows in the 6040's. with widespread snowfall and the sierras and heavy for this mountains area. with 1 ft. at the higher elevations and a little bit less. a look at your extended forecast with possible thunderstorms. we are going to see wind, and that would be in areas of heavier rainfall. difficult to pinpoint friday, that pattern could continue with spotty showers on friday and cooler but improving conditions for the weekend. >>pam: senator feinstein who was reelected last night talks about the tax cuts set to expire next year.
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>pam: california's senior senator, dianne feinstein easily change reelection for her fourth term in office. receiving more than 60 percent of the vote. a first for her in a statewide contest. today she said the president and the congress to find a way to address the tax cuts which are set to expire this year. >> there is no question that they are extraordinarily low. we need to need them low for the people that need them low which runs of middle-class but the people that are willing to do that have done well in this financial marketplace which is very tricky pay a little bit more. and i have a very hard time understanding of the reluctance. no one in the state of california of who earns about 250,000 said
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to me i need a tax cut. and if they do i would sure like them to pick up the phone and call me and tell me why >> she wants to see the cuts capt. place but not for those making more than to one of the thousand dollars per year. as for returning to a divided congress chooses both democrats and republicans need to find a way to work together to get things done.
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>>pam: coming up in 6:30 and other are rest of the vandalism of a muni bus turned it giants world series street celebration. >>jacqueline: this live look from the golden gate bridge we are seeing cloudy conditions, rainfall will be arriving shortly. when we could need the umbrella, coming out.
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>>this just in to the kron 4 news room we just received a binformation of a 6.9 earthquake near canada we will keep you updated >> take a look to this man he was arrested in the involvement of the damage of a muni bus charged with vandalism, this destroying a passenger vehicle and are some rural felonies. also, kharif granice-gregory... has also been associated with this vandalism. >> the oakland homeowners
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association is making a emergency meeting. if they are tired of the burglaries and robberies in this area. this is the neighborhood where mayor jean quan calls home. what they're trying to do to curb the climbing. reggie kumar, kron 4. >> this man if that was tased... says that he did not warrant that he posted it on you tube. take a look. this was a warrant this is the video and his hands are up and he slowly drops down to one in the. and his other knee he says something and that is when the officer cases them. i spoke to the attorney and all knew i will show you what he had to say and what the police chief had to save about that
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video. >> at the state capital the governor is taking a victory lap because of proposition 34 he has applauded the voters of the voters and also pledged to spend prudently. dan kerman, kron 4. >> in san jose the minimum wage will soon be going up. voters on tuesday approved a measure d batteries the minimum wage for short order cooks.. and $8, to $10. >> with read, of bill the cost of living is expensive so it will make a difference with rent-and bills. >> this will take effect in january. >> and contra costa county there are four different fire stations closed of next year. the fire district is
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in the red. measure a " q " was trying to generate $70 million to keeping all of these stations opened. but the two-thirds needed he did would nodid not pass. the tax increase did not get passed. what this could mean for the public. in contra costa county, kron 4. >> the was a major sell-off just one day after the election that dow jones dropped 3 1/3 pinpoints. i spoke with experts from the market watched and they say that this is not that uncommon. from 1900-20127% of the time after a presidential election there was still a fourth quarter ropkey. j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> a fourth quarter of -- gaine. >> with over 30
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cancellations at sfo to/from the east coast. most have been rebooked but the flight board for tomorrow, thursday is a showing of the flights towards the northeast are on time but check with your airline carrier before traveling ignored at sfo, kron 4 news. check with your travel-carrier -- for four troubling. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> san francisco bike riders are already up in arms. they simply think that the wiggle has been friutful the wiggle is a one mile was a popular walking route for the steep
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san francisco hills. tonight at 8:00 p.m. some bicyclists are trying to warre bicyclist south in the next edition of people behaving badly. >>jacqueline: pete weather story is that as we take a look at the futurecast. we are not going to see any widespread rain showers it is going to be spotty to the day. and the possibility of thundershowers and early morning friday. gusting winds you are going to need your umbrella. and again it is not going to be widespread we are going to see it sporadically for the next couple of days. cooling and even more than today with a blast of cold arctic air. temperatures only in the 50s. and we are going to see frost on the saturday morning. chilly. conditions will start to
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warm up this weekend. >> decision 2012 the voters have decided to give president for more years. analyst michael yaki what is first on the presidential the agenda? his new cabinet. f. fiscal clif.. already mitch mcconnell, john boehner and the posturing of with their corn to go. this summer, the grand bargain if they had some heavy debt reduction of revenue increases in taxes. the expiring borscht tax cuts that are on the table. the question is that john boehner is playing good cop and mitch mcconnell is plain bad cop. but they're not saying much different and what they have said from last summer. >> this is where the leadership passed to come into play were if there is
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corralling. and hurricane santee of the northern northeast corridor in now with another storm. what about that. there are two different sections that they have to do disaster relief for sandy to budget the money for fema and the second will be follow up. so there are not conditions on valley forge staten island. >> and also that administration. we are looking at the present administration. the secretary of state, and leon panetta is going to step down. treasury. and also he is leaving and commerce has been taken for a while. basically, in washington d.c. what most of the county is saying that what over 22. most of washington d.c. is cycling out there resonates it is the new second term there is always a lot of turnover. and you have susan rice, and senior rob-it
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ambassador and center of massachusetts. their authority of buying for secretary of state. >> is there a need of work for bipartisan will be speak about compromise in a real way? >> i think they showed. and i know they showed, but will they? and when you see that there are people like paul ryan. i know the -- should but will they? >> there is a sentiment among the people that they want this fixed. there could be at least the first couple of months. >> hopefully he can set for the entire benefit of the country. if you would like the entire benefit of the country. if you would like to conn[ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving.
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spend 25 and get a frozen safeway turkey for 59 cents a pound. or get another of the best deals around. a frozen butterball, 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair...grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait.
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>>this just in to the kron 4 news room major commute issues were passengers on caltrain. they are currently stopped in both directions and definitely. this is after a train crashed into a car. the woman and a child was in that car in redwood city. the woman and child are okay. no injuries but the trains are stock in both directions. caltrain, we are seeing on twitter. they are saying that at least one hour. plan accordingly if you use caltrain or if you know somebody. >>pam: in sports, the finalists for the major- league baseball awards are out as expected, the giants and the oakland a's are llwe represented. and former stanford and now indianapolis colts quarterback andrew loo luck...
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>> good evening, everybody.
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the 49ers are back to work at home against the rams. >> better today than yesterday, better today than a river. and improvement could lead to victory. and that will lead to a championship is an improvement. better today than-last season and the that sounds simple but maybe just as simple that it will work. >> it is always great to start off some fun with jim. randy moss we did it this photo of him back home in ranch, virginia. he is from rand.. university. the n f l players say that basically take it for what it's worth but the most
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overrated coach with 103 players were anonymous and they were able to look at it this way say what they really felt. rex ru andyan rex ryan was the most overrated. in a poll of nfl players, the jets' coach was voted the most overrated coach in the n f l. the anonymous poll was done. he collected 35 votes, with the woodlands bill belichick was second. there also,andrew
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luck.. showing his determination, and dedication with leukemia recognition of his coach at the indianapolis colts by shaving his head. and her joined about 30 of his teammates and should is a ball to support his head coach chuck mcconne--pagano take a look at the mvp candidate and that odds are
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favored trout...and my own political year they vote at the end of the regular season. boccy was so great during the post season. >> you could possibly make that happen. >> should that be and the regular season. >> but the big problem is that if indeed they say gary, go ahead and it would have michael yaki taught for four hours with me. every time it is he still here? >> -cal- and you were looking at him for the first hour and then it went to this and then it went to this. >> if it did not.
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>> every time i switch predicament diane sawyer. shoes using a numerous people -- she was using a numerous people a lot >> and this california native made his big splash tony la russa after mark in exile living in an gated community in irvine, calif. and he brought him back. give him a job as a hitting coach and after three seasons he is now the new hitting coach with the dodgers. >> i just saw a guy i went to high school walking behind them. >> yes off brandon ryan >> that wider shot.
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>> there is mark mcgwire. he is now showing a beard. and if you have dinner plans wait. >> there he is, that is jacalyn's friend. prematurely, nervous. brendon ryan.. the governor predicte -- did he ever predicte was going to be famous? >> he is a totaled joking guy. >> amazing. >> there he is. >> and keep going he turns around. her right there. >> good stuff. >> again, if you have ever had an association with a jacqueline would love to hear from you. [laughter] and outside of do not know anybody it is
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outside of these walls. ... and even your tired of module yaki last night. >> i was not! [laughter] >> and tennis in london. jokavitz... and --djokovich vs mruuay 15 year old gilr moster truck ford ranger began chaning tires at age 8 and
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plays piano...and this eight year old is the dominating pop warner girl.. to order 33. and no war on women. when we come back, i will see if pam is ready the michael yaki situations. >> i wish that he was still here... [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans,
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memories are made with ikea.
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a man or a mouse? probably a mouse. >> gary, how come you did not report a loss of the european?
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>> they defeated porcelain a two-one that it is the first loss from spain in over two years.
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the star jubilation and defeat over the president's re-election. >> we break down the good, the bad and, oh, yes, the ugly, of all the media coverage. i'm kevin frazier. >> and i'm brooke anderson. "the insider" is on. what a night. >> president obama has won a second term. >> we have gone from excited to electric. >> who called it first? >> who didn't want to call it. >> you got to be careful about calling things. >> karl rove really showed what was at stake when he went against his own network. and the star fighting decision 2012. >> donald trump has driven well past the relevance and veered into something closer to irrelevance. >> he says whacky stuff. plus -- >> michelle, i have never loved you more. >> the first lady'cy


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